11.   The concurrence of threatening life events and psychosocial distress may partly explain these phenomena.

12.   Lucas has advanced certain ingenious theoretical devices to explain the phenomenon of persistence which we shall examine later in this chapter.

13.   Any theory of cosmic origins that does not explain this phenomenon, cosmologists agree, stands little chance of being right.

14.   As a sea-girt civilization the Greeks observed the sun rising and setting in the water and fashioned a god to explain the phenomenon.

15.   Brad Faxon was a few spots from Fiori, trying to explain the phenomenon.

16.   A new theory attempts to explain the phenomenon.

17.   A new theory explains this phenomenon.

18.   A project scientist from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., Robert Pfaff, said the research would help explain similar phenomena on Jupiter.

19.   Burkhauser rejects that idea, saying that an expansion of Social Security disability benefits and lack of health insurance could explain the phenomenon.

20.   Can you explain this phenomenon?

v. + phenomenon >>共 193
explain 11.87%
study 4.67%
know 3.50%
observe 3.11%
see 3.11%
describe 2.72%
limit 2.33%
call 2.14%
understand 1.75%
notice 1.56%
explain + n. >>共 1380
decision 3.64%
reason 3.51%
difference 2.29%
action 2.25%
situation 1.97%
position 1.75%
discrepancy 1.29%
problem 1.25%
thing 1.14%
phenomenon 1.02%
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