11.   He noted that it was crucial that the fiscal expansion included new measures of tax cuts and expenditures.

12.   NATO is in the midst of considering an expansion eastward to include former allies of the Soviet Union.

13.   President Clinton alerted NATO allies in June that the United States would insist that the initial expansion include only Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

14.   The American president alerted NATO allies in June that the United States would insist that the initial expansion include only Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

15.   The expansion will include a new clubhouse and lodging.

16.   The expansion would include a luxury, transcontinental route between New York and Los Angeles and more Midwestern routes from the hub city of Chicago, Thompson said.

17.   The expansion announced today includes clubs in San Diego, San Jose, Calif., Denver, Dallas and Kansas City, Mo.

18.   The expansion includes the purchase of a piece of land, the construction of a factory building and acquiring additional production facilities.

19.   They say they had an unwritten understanding with the previous government that the autonomy expansion would include the vast majority of the West Bank.

20.   The expansion would include construction of taxiways, passenger terminals and a monorail transport system, Suwat said.

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