11.   Even though cc is an exact genetic copy of Rainbow, their colors are somewhat different.

12.   I like to see my backup files displayed as exact copies of the original files, instead of the hieroglyphics that compressed files often resemble.

13.   Of course, an exact copy of the Oval Office, down to the carpet threads, is a must.

14.   Opponents argue that it is immoral to create exact copies of people.

15.   Ontrack spokeswoman Kristin Nimsger said company engineers would make exact copies of the computer hard drives, which would then be returned to their Minneapolis headquarters.

16.   Or you can mail an exact working copy of any Web page, with all of its features intact.

17.   Others provide information on every shred of campaign finance data filed with the government, including exact copies of the often-obscure filings.

18.   Shooting the film was eerie because the movie set was an exact copy of the one for the TV series.

19.   So instead of exact copies, you will find goods that merely create confusion or defraud the consumer.

20.   The baby, which will be named Noah, should be an exact genetic copy of the gaur from which the skin cells were obtained.

a. + copy >>共 520
free 3.38%
pirated 3.00%
illegal 2.83%
backup 2.72%
good 2.23%
single 2.23%
digital 2.23%
original 1.91%
new 1.80%
exact 1.74%
exact + n. >>共 638
number 11.03%
date 9.05%
location 5.87%
cause 5.70%
figure 5.45%
amount 3.31%
nature 2.74%
opposite 2.08%
time 1.91%
science 1.41%
copy 0.61%
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