11.   Fleeing residents said men loyal to rival ethnic Pashtun warlords Padsha Khan and Saif Ullah began fighting aroundeivday.

12.   Fleeing residents said men loyal to rival ethnic Pashtun warlords Padsha Khan and Saif Ullah began fighting around midday.

13.   He is now allied with northern ethnic Uzbek warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostam and a Shiite religious faction led by Karim Khalili.

14.   He met a representative of ethnic Uzbek warlord Abdul Rashid Dostam in Islamabad on Monday.

15.   Herat is held by the Taliban while Mazar-i-Sharif is a stronghold of the ethnic Uzbek warlord Abdul Rashid Dustam.

16.   He said Washington should compensate Afghan loss of life and should not to allow itself to be used by Afghan ethnic Pashtun feuding warlords in their inter-clan clashes.

17.   Hekmatyar has been in alliance with ethnic Uzbek warlord Abdul Rasheed Dostam, who controls several province in northern Afghanistan.

18.   It already controls two thirds of the country, but one of its opponents is ethnic Uzbek warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostam.

19.   The Taliban may overrun Bamiyan to push further into northern provinces controlled by ethnic Uzbek warlord Abdul Rashid Dostam, analysts said.

20.   Khan, an ethnic Pashtun warlord, tried to storm Gardez in January after Karzai appointed him governor of Paktia to replace the former Taliban rulers.

a. + warlord >>共 188
northern 11.24%
rival 10.32%
local 10.23%
former 8.39%
afghan 7.55%
powerful 4.03%
regional 4.03%
liberian 3.69%
ethnic 2.52%
feuding 1.85%
ethnic + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
minority 6.93%
rebel 5.97%
leader 3.69%
tension 2.55%
conflict 2.33%
violence 2.30%
refugee 1.78%
community 1.65%
line 1.65%
warlord 0.21%
每页显示:    共 30