11.   Revised budget estimates show the deficit over the next couple of years falling below previous government projections.

12.   The company said government and private estimates show that grain and soybean crops will be larger than late-summer forecasts indicated.

13.   The first estimate showed growth was driven by consumer spending, with retail sales and industrial production little changed from the fourth quarter.

14.   The unemployment estimate has shown even greater and more prolonged improvement.

15.   While the cost has yet to be calculated, rough government estimates show it likely will run to billions of dollars.

16.   Although nearly as many women as men have college degrees, men still far outnumber women in higher-income jobs, new Census Bureau estimates show.

17.   Bureau estimates show more minorities than whites are typically missed.

18.   Early estimates also show major damage to crops.

19.   Lavalas leaders announced Tuesday that their early estimates showed that they would hold a majority in the legislature.

20.   Preliminary census estimates show that more minorities than whites were undercounted.

n. + show >>共 854
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figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
estimate 0.09%
estimate + v. >>共 165
be 48.61%
vary 4.46%
put 4.32%
include 3.20%
come 2.51%
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suggest 2.23%
show 2.09%
range 1.67%
have 1.18%
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