11.   Even critics acknowledge that he cleaned up the streets, improved public services and reduced the endemic corruption.

12.   In Mexico President Vicente Fox has launched a plethora of initiatives to crack down on endemic corruption.

13.   It is meant to give the party a new image and new direction at a time when its legitimacy has been crippled by endemic corruption, said Xu.

14.   Mrs. Kumaratunga, who spent years as a student in Paris and London, also touched a chord by pledging to end endemic corruption among Sri Lankan politicians.

15.   Public opinion polls in Ukraine show voters have a deep distrust of Kuchma and are dissatisfied with endemic corruption and economic deprivation.

16.   Ray said Mexico needs to get a handle on its endemic corruption problems before talking about economic development.

17.   Supporters also like his tough talk about ending endemic corruption and slashing government spending.

18.   The IMF should appoint international investigation commissions for each sacked country, to dissect the endemic corruption in the former Asian tigers.

19.   The unsavoriness remains, though, say Western diplomats, bankers and traders, as endemic corruption and nepotism have become even more flagrant.

20.   Their abuse of power and tolerance of endemic corruption are widely cited as leading to the current economic troubles.

a. + corruption >>共 398
alleged 11.58%
widespread 10.53%
rampant 8.55%
political 8.02%
official 7.79%
massive 3.63%
high-level 3.56%
endemic 2.64%
public 1.82%
possible 1.62%
endemic + n. >>共 89
corruption 32.65%
area 6.12%
problem 5.31%
violence 4.90%
disease 4.49%
species 4.49%
poverty 4.08%
graft 1.63%
injustice 1.22%
strife 1.22%
每页显示:    共 80