11.   Sell the public lands from under our wildlife and soon nearly every species will be endangered.

12.   That rankles the traditionalists, who view the bunt and hit-and-run in college baseball as endangered species.

13.   The construction causes erosion that damages water quality and breaks up habitats, which endangers wide-ranging species.

14.   The conversion of shady coffee farms to higher-yield sunny fields is robbing neotropical songbirds of their habitats, endangering many species.

15.   The fin whale species is endangered.

16.   Young said the Forest Service insists the species is endangered, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says it is not.

17.   Both men say they were unaware at the time that the species was endangered.

18.   Bolivia, the biggest producer, and the United States, the biggest consumer, acknowledge the Amazon rain-forest species is endangered by uncontrolled logging.

19.   But this would have to be carefully assessed to ensure that any potential action would not endanger other species.

20.   CITES underlines that when a species is endangered to a point close to extinction, international trade may be prohibited or submitted to stringent control measures.

v. + species >>共 298
protect 12.37%
threaten 4.41%
preserve 3.33%
save 3.23%
find 3.12%
endanger 2.80%
include 2.69%
list 2.26%
identify 1.72%
have 1.61%
endanger + n. >>共 390
life 16.14%
security 7.54%
welfare 4.17%
safety 3.43%
health 2.62%
civilian 1.74%
species 1.62%
child 1.50%
public 1.37%
hostage 1.31%
每页显示:    共 26