11.   What is the very earliest human ancestor?

12.   While our earliest ancestors may not have known about endorphins, they knew the difference between bliss and stress.

a. + ancestor >>共 186
common 13.57%
human 10.18%
direct 4.79%
ancient 2.99%
distant 2.40%
earliest 2.40%
early 2.20%
wild 1.80%
remote 1.60%
dead 1.40%
earliest + n. >>共 436
day 13.80%
stage 7.03%
date 5.91%
opportunity 3.26%
memory 2.91%
year 2.57%
time 1.89%
evidence 1.46%
childhood 1.20%
example 1.03%
ancestor 1.03%
每页显示:    共 12