11.   Dye was just as unlikely a hero.

12.   Dye was not about to leave voluntarily and had he stayed, he would have kept the same old system and Auburn would be in the same dreary rut.

13.   For dyeing, the non-fancy basic dyes are still the best.

14.   He can describe the dye doctors sometimes shoot into weak shoulders, as if the dye is a satellite that will bring back information from another galaxy.

15.   If hair dye were not so readily available, a spectator gazing down on the visitors to Branson would see a field of white hair.

16.   It seems red dye was so hard to find in Spain, and so expensive, that only nobility had magenta clothing.

17.   Many dyes are harmful and the only ones permitted by law in food products are ones that have been shown to be quite safe.

18.   Modern methods use large amounts of chemicals for indigo reduction, creating an environmental headache when the used dye is disposed of.

19.   The dyes may not be stable.

20.   The dyes are gorgeous, rich and deep.

n. + be >>共 1635
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dye 0%
dye + v. >>共 65
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