11.   He found people at work, cutting cane or making dugout canoes and recorded the words they used in their answers.

12.   In a few minutes, traditional hula dancers will take the stage, lit by rows of glowing tiki torches and featuring a traditional dugout canoe.

13.   In the distance a shirtless man paddled a dugout canoe.

14.   Last portion of the crossing is by dugout canoe before reaching the Pacific coastal community of LaPalma.

15.   Leave that to natives in dugout canoes.

16.   Master mariners, the Haida once traveled in huge dugout canoes to trade with neighbors or raid enemies for male slaves.

17.   People are studying the Ainu language, which had almost died out, as well as old traditions such as weaving bark cloth or making dugout canoes.

18.   Refugees describe being trapped by rivers and begging or bartering their way across on ferries or even dugout canoes.

19.   The couple spent three weeks every year sailing in Maine and once traveled up a Guatemalan river in a dugout canoe.

20.   The Makahs are proud of the museum and pleased to have visitors wander past the dugout canoes and through the longhouse to gaze upon ceremonial masks and whale harpoons.

n. + canoe >>共 30
dugout 46.60%
outrigger 10.68%
aluminum 5.83%
bark 3.88%
birch 2.91%
cedar 1.94%
fibreglass 1.94%
row 1.94%
two-man 1.94%
war 1.94%
dugout + n. >>共 64
canoe 21.72%
step 18.55%
coach 7.69%
wall 6.33%
railing 3.17%
roof 3.17%
bench 2.71%
seat 2.71%
floor 2.26%
runway 2.26%
每页显示:    共 48