11.   A three-part AZT drug regimen can decrease the rate of perinatal transmission by approximately two-thirds.

12.   Called ddI, the drug is a powerful reverse transcriptase inhibitor, a staple of the drug regimen that has drastically extended the lives of AIDS patients worldwide.

13.   CDC officials credit a combination of several strong antibiotics, as opposed to a single drug regimen.

14.   Charles Farthing, medical director of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in Los Angeles, said the tests are of most use after the first drug regimen fails.

15.   Combining a drug regimen with cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients recognize and change obsessive thought patterns and overcome social avoidance.

16.   Company officials say the Advair Diskus, which is still awaiting approval, would simplify the asthma drug regimen for patients who use numerous inhalers.

17.   Educating patients on the need to follow complicated drug regimens is also important, Richman said.

18.   Experts say various obstacles impede teaching prevention or giving rural AIDS patients emotional support and information about complying with the often-intricate new drug regimens.

19.   Furthermore, mothers pass on the virus to their infants because they lack access to the brief AZT drug regimen that could interrupt deadly viral transmission.

20.   He now follows a simpler drug regimen.

n. + regimen >>共 111
drug 15.30%
exercise 11.08%
workout 9.50%
treatment 9.50%
fitness 5.54%
offseason 2.64%
chemotherapy 1.85%
rehabilitation 1.85%
practice 1.58%
therapy 1.32%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
regimen 0.19%
每页显示:    共 58