11.   Although AOL Time Warner is now one company, its many divisions have different privacy policies.

12.   BTR said its control division already has a batteries and electrical supplies division into which Exide will be folded to create a world leader.

13.   But he was quick to point out that the division has had relatively few environmental violations.

14.   But she said state law prohibits her from saying whether the division ever had contact with the Bass family.

15.   But so had the division between French and English speakers, an ever-lurking tension for all Canadian teams.

16.   But while the news divisions had reasons to howl with pride, the network entertainment divisions should have been howling with pain.

17.   CBS, whose news division has a reputation for hard-hitting reporting, was criticized for bowing to pressure.

18.   Currently, most GM divisions have separate divisions that handle these areas for all of their models.

19.   For the first time, the three major news divisions have all scheduled hourlong news magazines five nights a week.

20.   Ford officials declined to identify the division, saying only that it was small and that they did not believe other divisions had similar problems.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
division 0.04%
division + v. >>共 465
be 27.02%
have 3.96%
remain 2.72%
make 2.58%
continue 1.24%
include 1.19%
become 1.05%
report 0.95%
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