11.   Respondents from medium-sized and larger practices were more evenly divided on the issue, but nevertheless registered majorities in favour of capping.

12.   The Conservative Party is irrevocably divided on the European question.

13.   The ruling centre-left coalition is divided on the issue, with the Labour Party supporting the proposals, and the Christian Democrats opposed.

14.   Parishioners of Saint John the Baptist are so divided on the issue that the dispute is having to be resolved at a church court.

15.   The legal profession is divided on the issue.

16.   Mr Everitt says the answer is longer sentences, but experts are divided on whether institutionalising young offenders is the best solution...

17.   Politicians are divided on the issue.

18.   Visitors today were divided on whether that price would put other people off.

19.   On the eve of the crucial Commons vote on the Maastricht Treaty, Conservative MPs in the Central South region are divided on the issue.

20.   American experts were divided on the report.

v. + on >>共 981
speak 4.52%
say 3.26%
appear 2.15%
remain 1.85%
be 1.70%
stand 1.66%
make 1.45%
get 1.45%
do 1.32%
leave 1.26%
divide 0.35%
divide + p. >>共 43
over 35.73%
on 30.41%
in 9.56%
along 6.58%
about 6.38%
as 2.42%
for 1.23%
at 1.15%
than 0.87%
since 0.87%
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