11.   US officials have expressed strong suspicions that material has been diverted from a North Korean reactor for military means.

12.   It had pressed for these when North Korea frustrated international attempts to check whether material has been diverted from the Yongbyon complex for military use.

13.   North Korea created a crisis earlier this month by refusing to allow international supervision to check whether material has been diverted from the Yongbyon complex for military use.

14.   The agency also regretted it was no longer possible to ascertain whether nuclear material had been diverted from the reactor.

15.   The IAEA said Thursday that it could no longer guarantee that Pyongyang had not diverted nuclear material for military purposes.

16.   The IAEA says it is vital to sample the rods to verify whether any fissile material is being diverted to military use.

17.   The IAEA suspects North Korea has been diverting nuclear material to make atomic weapons.

18.   The inspectors are pressing to check the rods to see if fissile material has been diverted to make a nuclear weapon.

v. + material >>共 878
use 6.31%
contain 3.96%
include 2.20%
carry 1.90%
provide 1.90%
distribute 1.84%
produce 1.64%
find 1.64%
remove 1.52%
sell 1.43%
divert 0.33%
divert + n. >>共 331
attention 20.84%
money 8.27%
flight 6.01%
traffic 5.56%
fund 5.16%
plane 4.76%
water 4.31%
resource 2.51%
plutonium 2.00%
ship 1.25%
material 0.90%
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