11.   Philippine defense chief Orlando Mercado said Tuesday that China has completed its enlargement of structures on a Philippine-claimed reef in the disputed Spratly islands.

12.   A Chinese archaeologist claims to have unearthed ancient Chinese pottery on disputed islands in the South China Sea, an official report said Monday.

13.   A petition is being circulated in the Kuril Islands to lease the disputed islands to Japan on a long-term basis, the Interfax news agency said Tuesday.

14.   A U.S. State Department spokesman said this week that Chinese construction on disputed islands is potentially provocative, and China should continue direct discussions with all parties involved.

15.   Activists set sail for disputed islands.

16.   An activist demanding China send warships to keep Japan off a group of disputed islands has succumbed to Chinese government pressure to abandon plans for an anti-Japanese demonstration.

17.   Also high on the agenda is proposed bilateral cooperation on fishing in waters around the disputed islands, Foreign Ministry sources said.

18.   Amid a simmering dispute with China, Japan on Tuesday reaffirmed its claim to a disputed island chain.

19.   Another two disputed islands, Zuqar and Lesser Hanish, remain under Yemeni control.

20.   APTV has a special report from the disputed islands.

a. + island >>共 779
caribbean 8.48%
small 5.57%
mediterranean 5.19%
disputed 4.13%
tiny 3.92%
pacific 3.53%
southern 3.14%
divided 2.27%
nationalist 2.11%
remote 2.04%
disputed + n. >>共 416
border 11.15%
island 7.70%
area 7.22%
region 7.11%
territory 7.03%
election 4.62%
land 4.20%
state 3.64%
city 2.83%
site 2.65%
每页显示:    共 286