11.   Clinton administration officials dispute the idea that the president pushed for a more prominent place for labor and environment on the world trade agenda solely to help Gore.

12.   Critics of the orthodoxy do not dispute the idea that birds evolved from reptiles.

13.   Death penalty opponents and academics have issued numerous studies -- one is recounted below -- disputing the idea that executions can save a state money.

14.   Democrats have never disputed the idea that the coffees were rewards for donors or potential donors.

15.   Few scientists dispute the idea that solar variations have played some part.

16.   Forest Service scientists do not dispute the idea that burned trees play an important role in the recovery of an ecosystem.

17.   Gros-Pietro was at pains in the interview to dispute the idea that his company was seeking to control Repsol.

18.   He also disputed the idea that he did nothing to stop the mismanagement and doctoring of reports cited in the report.

19.   He disputed the idea that Fox had made its structure too complicated to understand.

20.   Her campaign aides disputed the idea that Lazio had a chance here, saying that wayward white, working-class Democrats like the Frisicaros would return to the fold.

v. + idea >>共 546
have 26.75%
reject 6.69%
get 3.67%
like 3.67%
support 3.16%
oppose 2.50%
dismiss 2.01%
discuss 1.51%
float 1.25%
accept 1.12%
dispute 0.30%
dispute + n. >>共 354
claim 10.65%
notion 6.12%
report 4.52%
assertion 3.78%
contention 3.66%
finding 3.33%
figure 3.29%
account 3.21%
charge 3.00%
suggestion 2.84%
idea 2.06%
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