11.   But Rifkind also underlined British reservations by recalling the disastrous experience of US peacekeepers in Somalia who attempted to hunt down a local warlord.

a. + experience >>共 825
personal 3.28%
learning 2.36%
new 2.12%
previous 1.91%
similar 1.78%
past 1.70%
first 1.42%
extensive 1.40%
recent 1.29%
political 1.29%
disastrous 0.10%
disastrous + n. >>共 429
consequence 8.64%
result 6.43%
start 4.58%
effect 3.40%
season 2.66%
flood 1.77%
year 1.55%
loss 1.55%
performance 1.55%
war 1.40%
experience 0.81%
每页显示:    共 11