11.   He has a devoted following for both his written work and his television commentary on CBNC.

12.   He waved to his devoted following, mugged for the cameras and put his reserve aside.

13.   Her witty prints have a devoted following, and this time they included little figures in Asian dress, skeletons and goldfish.

14.   If you want to sell a car, it needs to attract a devoted following.

15.   Increasingly, these only-in-New York shopping events are attracting a devoted following of non-New Yorkers.

16.   It has a devoted regional following and customers as far away as China and Israel.

17.   It may run second to coffee in Seattle, but Market House Spice tea with its naturally sweet taste has a devoted following.

18.   Knowing that such a devoted following existed, Thomas had to keep her natural impulse to trash the whole silly thing under tight rein.

19.   Latin has a devoted following in Finland.

20.   Now, one year after the government allowed the formerly non-profit sports teams to make money, they are vying for an equally devoted following among international investors.

a. + following >>共 336
loyal 8.93%
large 6.40%
strong 4.66%
higher 3.95%
huge 3.63%
profit-taking 3.40%
lower 2.53%
national 2.45%
devoted 2.37%
big 1.82%
devoted + n. >>共 188
fan 11.74%
husband 7.01%
father 5.68%
following 5.68%
mother 4.55%
follower 3.60%
friend 2.84%
reader 2.27%
parent 2.08%
wife 2.08%
每页显示:    共 30