11.   People on the street avoided some bus trips and mall excursions after warnings of terrorism that might aim at derailing the talks.

12.   That point, opposed by some tobacco foes, once threatened to derail the talks.

13.   The talks were in part derailed by early leaks to the press that the two sides were nearing an agreement.

14.   The United States denounces this as a provocation that could derail peace talks.

15.   The tentative agreement could hinge on the regional jet dispute, which derailed contract talks last month.

16.   They see many long-intractable issues remaining in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with plenty of chances for extremists to try to derail talks.

17.   An attack near the sensitive Temple Mount could set off a cycle of violence that could permanently derail peace talks.

18.   Attacks by the Islamic militants, aimed at derailing peace talks between Israel and the PLO, have prompted Israel to seal off the West Bank and Gaza strip.

19.   Both of which could derail the talks.

20.   But dealing with rebel hostage-takings could still derail the talks, which were continuing Wednesday in Cuba.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
derail 0.23%
derail + n. >>共 214
effort 9.07%
talk 5.62%
plan 5.29%
train 4.75%
career 3.89%
negotiation 2.92%
bill 2.70%
process 2.38%
reform 2.16%
deal 2.05%
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