11.   Russian delegation head Vyacheslav Mikhailov said Saturday that the sides had finally reached a tentative accord.

12.   Russian delegation head Vyacheslav Mikhailov suggested Saturday a tentative deal had been reached calling for Chechnya to remain within the Russian Federation, but with some degree of autonomy.

13.   Results of the confirmation test came shortly before Botha, joined by South African delegation head George Mluleki and team physician Dr. Ismail Jakoet, met reporters late Saturday.

14.   Shi, the delegation head, sought to distance the Chinese team from the scandal.

15.   Spanish delegation head Cesar Brana told reporters he could not give details on the measures for security reasons.

16.   The committees will be responsible for drawing up proposals to be submitted to delegation heads.

17.   The delegation heads to Cairo Wednesday and then plans to move on to Syria and Israel, Amedeo De Franchis told reporters.

18.   The statement by delegation head Eric Newsom at the international treaty talks in Oslo leaves uncertain whether Washington will sign the treaty.

19.   There was no statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but he would likely support the declaration, said Israeli delegation head David Kimche.

20.   U.S. delegation head Andrew Stoler said there were no plans to meet Tuesday.

n. + head >>共 735
deputy 9.49%
department 8.13%
agency 3.06%
shower 2.21%
studio 2.09%
division 1.66%
delegation 1.66%
government 1.55%
sprinkler 1.39%
shaven 1.39%
delegation + n. >>共 92
member 24.90%
leader 15.56%
head 8.92%
chief 7.88%
official 7.26%
source 4.15%
spokesman 2.90%
breakfast 2.07%
meeting 1.87%
visit 1.66%
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