11.   Although many defendants have testified and won their cases, conventional wisdom has it that allowing the accused to testify spells conviction.

12.   But last June, the defendant testified that his confession was made under duress at the advice of a court-appointed lawyer who allegedly misrepresented him.

13.   Four defendants testified, but not the sheik.

14.   Neither defendant testified.

15.   On Tuesday, three defendants testified that they carried out one or more of the killings and a fourth told the court he played a lesser role.

16.   The defendants testified that they fired only warning shots over the heads of the miners.

17.   Vargas state Judge Ambrosio Polanco imposed the sentence Friday after a trial in which an eighth defendant testified against the others, the state news agency Venpres reported.

18.   While the typical murder trial defendant would never testify - think O.J. Simpson - the four officers were almost compelled to take the stand.

19.   The defendant himself has testified he felt tension in the family and heard raised voices the night before the shootings.

20.   The defendant testified that he loved his mother but said his father forced him into the plot.

n. + testify >>共 436
witness 19.08%
expert 5.26%
official 4.61%
officer 3.56%
doctor 2.70%
woman 2.70%
agent 2.55%
psychiatrist 1.75%
victim 1.75%
president 1.45%
defendant 1.00%
defendant + v. >>共 460
be 17.64%
have 5.94%
face 4.29%
plead 3.75%
include 2.63%
deny 2.60%
say 2.47%
receive 2.00%
claim 1.53%
admit 1.31%
testify 0.63%
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