11.   The defendants were committed for trial at Mold Crown Court.

12.   The defendants were liable to a penalty clause in the main contract if the work was not completed on time.

13.   The evidence proves clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.

14.   There are six defendants altogether, including the third defendant, and separate claims are made against three groups of defendants.

15.   There were four defendants on trial, all sitting together in a line.

16.   This point is proved by the officer who arrests the suspect stating that the defendant in court is the person involved.

17.   Throughout the trial, the defendants were off-hand and arrogant.

18.   ...the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
defendant 0.04%
defendant + v. >>共 460
be 17.64%
have 5.94%
face 4.29%
plead 3.75%
include 2.63%
deny 2.60%
say 2.47%
receive 2.00%
claim 1.53%
admit 1.31%
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