11.   Congress legislated working automatic couplers for employee safety, not employee safety by whatever means a court might deem appropriate.

12.   Each festival also travels with a mini-village of vendors deemed appropriate for their audiences.

13.   Even talk of long-term reconstruction -- considered wishful just a few days ago -- is now deemed appropriate.

14.   He also had to pass a drug test and submit to whatever screening a TA doctor deemed appropriate.

15.   Grand fences outside grand houses, like the Cooper Hewitt Museum, are deemed appropriate.

16.   Greenlees said the government is committed to studying the CPI and making changes it deems appropriate.

17.   House rules allow the members of the committee to recommend any punishment they deem appropriate.

18.   Hickman said they could award any amount they deemed appropriate, including no punitive damages.

19.   I am ready and willing to face whatever punishment the British courts might deem appropriate, and if that means prison then so be it.

20.   I say we pick the DiMaggio tribute we deem appropriate and dare Mr. Lawyer to take legal action.

v. + appropriate >>共 9
deem 41.13%
consider 22.70%
think 22.70%
make 6.38%
find 3.55%
believe 1.42%
call 0.71%
hold 0.71%
judge 0.71%
deem + a. >>共 553
necessary 8.12%
appropriate 2.96%
dangerous 1.99%
safe 1.99%
important 1.99%
worthy 1.94%
inappropriate 1.79%
essential 1.68%
illegal 1.58%
responsible 1.33%
每页显示:    共 58