11.   Our data show that the addition of lecithin shifts biliary cholesterol from the vesicular to the non-vesicular phase.

12.   Further data show that the risk of causing harm by inactivating an essential gene in the host cell, or by recombining to form a pathogen, seems low.

13.   Thus, these data show functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population, with the appearance of at least two subsets of cells with a different secretory repertoire.

14.   Our data show that recurrent HBV infection is accompanied by a variety of disease patterns in the transplanted liver.

15.   The data thus show that a large proportion of those who begin this treatment may become longterm users.

16.   The Danish data show that the potent proton pump inhibitor omeprazole is being common used, especially among the younger longterm users.

17.   Therefore, our data cannot show the true incidence.

18.   Laboratory data showed normal haematological parameters, serum electrolytes, and creatinine.

19.   The published data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow up, where new symptoms are investigated at an early stage.

20.   If the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome requires the presence of abdominal pain then our data show no increased tendency to irritable bowel syndrome in women after hysterectomy.

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