11.   The data reflected the most recent survey of regional business activity.

12.   The country that month also turned in its weakest jobs report in years, yet few economists believe the data reflect reality.

13.   The federal labor office said the unemployment data reflected the impact of a slowdown in economic growth.

14.   The data reflect a natural oscillation in ocean conditions, not a sign of global climate change.

15.   The data reflected a surge in demand for multifamily homes and a decline in mortgage rates.

16.   The government data reflect these extraordinary and other costs as they occur.

17.   The latest Census Bureau data reflect the continuing effects of immigration.

18.   While the study focused only on CUNY students, the report said that the data reflected trends of improved performance among all New York City public high school graduates.

19.   Bethlehem Steel Corp. Chairman Duane Dunham said the import data reflect continuing problems of the American market and underscore the need for government help.

20.   Corn futures soared Tuesday on the Chicago Board of Trade after new government data reflected a decline in crop conditions.

n. + reflect >>共 1445
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result 2.29%
figure 1.99%
decline 1.53%
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datum + v. >>共 404
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