11.   Recent data indicate that the serotonergic systems implicated in the regulation of feeding and mood remain altered in anorexia nervous patients even after weight restoration.

12.   Palaeomagnetic data could indicate north-south movements but they could not give past longitudinal positions.

13.   The county council suggested Eaglescliffe station as an interim measure but BR said passenger data indicated poor use of the station to North-West destinations.

14.   Taken together, these data indicate that a DNA-dependent kinase present in crude HeLa nuclear extracts specifically phosphorylates the bZIP region of c-Jun.

15.   Also, historical data indicates no oyster-related cases of the bacterial ailment in Texas after October.

16.   Antril had failed a previous trial in February, when early data indicated that the drug might be effective only with the sickest patients.

17.   Arguments in favor of a rate hike demonstrate the difficulty of getting monetary policy right when the data indicate it is such a close call, analysts said.

18.   Black suspects that the planet may be somewhat larger than the data indicate, and that it may be a sort of fizzled star rather than a true planet.

19.   Brawley said the data indicated that the test was finding tumors that would not be noticed and would cause no medical problems.

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