11.   A daily dose of constitutionalism.

12.   A daily dose of some sun or an abundance of bright light will encourage blooms.

13.   A social worker sent Stevens a sheet on which she charts his daily doses.

14.   But a study has shown development of tumors among the offspring of mice that received very high daily doses of AZT during pregnancy.

15.   But a TV-less existence has also left many people cut off from their daily dose of news and affordable entertainment.

16.   But for anyone who needs a daily dose of the digital, geek Web sites are a must-read.

17.   Children become couch potatoes while they munch the products advertised on their daily dose of programming.

18.   Cristobal manages to maintain his daily dose of sex, finding partners at wakes and even among the nurses in the maternity ward where his wife delivers Gabriel.

19.   Daily doses of a medication called hydroxyurea can reduce the frequency of sickling and its related complications.

20.   Daily doses of trash television combined with weekly installments of vicarious videos begin to take their toll.

a. + dose >>共 392
high 9.73%
large 6.17%
small 5.49%
heavy 4.70%
healthy 4.13%
low 4.10%
lethal 4.03%
higher 3.99%
daily 3.42%
lower 2.17%
daily + n. >>共 893
newspaper 8.47%
life 7.99%
basis 4.44%
routine 2.71%
protest 2.45%
flight 1.99%
report 1.12%
occurrence 1.09%
operation 1.05%
demonstration 1.00%
dose 0.79%
每页显示:    共 95