11.   This would not be concluded once general managers were in place but involved long-term and profound cultural change, a view which managers themselves endorsed.

12.   And the kitchen, a consistent measure of cultural change, will be at the epicenter.

13.   And while the rest of the country was also reeling from the epidemic, many lasting cultural changes began here.

14.   Asked if he agreed with the conference goal of proportionality, Fineberg said such a shift would require a long-term cultural change on campuses.

15.   At bottom, restaurants want to please, not to discipline, and the idea of slapping fines represents a cultural change that makes many owners queasy.

16.   Auberon Waugh, the columnist for the Independent, took note of the depth of the cultural change required for British businesspeople to embrace discount retailing.

17.   Believe me, this is a cultural change.

18.   Aetna executives attribute some of the tension to cultural changes at the company that began only a few years ago.

19.   Brown Guillaume is certain the cultural changes make not only a positive difference but innovative, compelling ones.

20.   Both Wilson and Gross responded that indeed it was, that sexual differentiation does not restrict these forms of cultural change.

a. + change >>共 804
major 5.67%
significant 3.47%
proposed 3.24%
big 2.49%
political 2.43%
radical 2.21%
dramatic 2.21%
constitutional 1.94%
fundamental 1.81%
sweeping 1.73%
cultural 0.49%
cultural + n. >>共 1500
center 4.36%
difference 3.59%
exchange 3.07%
institution 2.38%
event 2.27%
heritage 2.26%
identity 1.46%
icon 1.25%
tie 1.23%
diversity 1.20%
change 1.15%
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