11.   But in the Cuban missile crisis, Buckley credits Angleton with sounding the alarm that Soviet missiles were more accurate than the Defense Department and White House thought.

12.   But not Cuba, of course, because of the embargo enacted by President Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis.

13.   But the Kennedy White House tapes of the Cuban missile crisis period have been saved, and some of them are available to researchers at the Kennedy Library.

14.   But the shell game was believable enough to provide a negotiating edge in the Cuban missile crisis, he said.

15.   By the time of the Cuban missile crisis in October, stocks had rallied a bit.

16.   Cardinal James Hickey of Washington said the embargo began at a time when the U.S. feared war due to the Cuban missile crisis.

17.   During the Cuban missile crisis, John Kennedy grimly joked that he had earned his salary that week.

18.   During the Cuban missile crisis, the United States publicly released photographs that made a convincing case that the Soviets were lying about the missiles in Cuba.

19.   During the Cuban missile crisis, his hero, John F. Kennedy, faced down Soviet missiles to save American civilization.

20.   During the maximum jitters of the Cuban missile crisis, the high school where I was an impressionable freshman happened to be holding an assembly.

a. + missile >>共 661
long-range 10.61%
nuclear 5.48%
anti-aircraft 5.43%
national 5.22%
anti-tank 3.35%
russian 2.58%
new 2.35%
capable 2.01%
chinese 1.99%
air-to-surface 1.91%
cuban 1.19%
cuban + n. >>共 890
government 9.23%
exile 7.19%
official 6.62%
leader 4.27%
refugee 3.17%
authority 2.65%
team 2.11%
cigar 1.98%
people 1.70%
airspace 1.69%
missile 1.05%
每页显示:    共 73