11.   There would be a table groaning with smoked ham, with thick succulent slices of cold beef and crusty fresh bread.

12.   ...a loaf of crusty bread.

13.   She looked up as a waitress appeared carrying a tray loaded with plates of crusty bread, cheese and pickles.

14.   Frowning, she sat up cross-legged on the towel under the shade of the umbrella, and accepted a wedge of cheese and some crusty bread.

15.   Serve with parmesan and crusty bread.

16.   Let me get us some crusty bread.

17.   All you need to add is a tossed green salad and some crusty bread for a festive meal.

18.   And pass some crusty Italian bread for dunking.

19.   Around the corner, we bought a half-loaf of crusty bread and examined the wine bottles on the shelf.

20.   A century ago, naturalist John Muir prepared for his wilderness journeys by dusting off his wool coat and baking himself a few loaves of crusty bread.

a. + bread >>共 422
fresh 6.24%
crusty 5.56%
stale 3.59%
unleavened 2.85%
toasted 2.51%
flat 2.37%
remaining 2.37%
baked 2.31%
homemade 2.03%
baking 1.83%
crusty + n. >>共 114
bread 34.89%
country 3.40%
roll 2.98%
baguette 2.13%
exterior 2.13%
loaf 2.13%
sourdough 1.28%
chairman 0.85%
character 0.85%
bark 0.85%
每页显示:    共 82