11.   More rain than previously expected would boost sagging crop prospects.

12.   Rain also is improving the crop prospects in Argentina.

13.   Soybeans declined on the Chicago Board of Trade after rains in Argentina improved crop prospects in that drought-affected nation.

14.   Soybean prices slumped Tuesday on the Chicago Board of Trade after rains in Argentina improved crop prospects in that drought-affected nation.

15.   Soybeans retreated marginally under pressure from substantial weekend rains in Argentina that boosted crop prospects there.

16.   Soybean and soybean oil futures weakened amid improving crop prospects in South America.

17.   Soybeans increased more than a percentage point in value despite widespread assumptions that recent rains have improved crop prospects.

18.   The outlook for world cereal production has improved in recent months, thanks to better crop prospects in Asia and North America, a U.N. food agency said Friday.

19.   The reduction further aggravated the decline in global stockpiles, as Argentina, Kazakhstan, Russia and Europe also lowered had reduced crop prospects.

20.   The reduction further aggravated the decline in global stockpiles, as Argentina, Kazakhstan, Russia and Europe also had reduced crop prospects.

n. + prospect >>共 269
growth 14.29%
earnings 10.69%
job 9.04%
peace 4.81%
business 4.68%
employment 3.48%
career 3.23%
export 2.09%
investment 2.02%
profit 2.02%
crop 1.90%
crop + n. >>共 249
yield 6.18%
condition 5.56%
damage 5.44%
failure 4.08%
production 3.83%
report 3.71%
subsidy 3.46%
price 3.40%
insurance 3.28%
estimate 3.21%
prospect 1.85%
每页显示:    共 30