11.   The Croatian offensive that overwhelmed rebel Serb forces occupying Krajina the next month changed the military balance and severely weakened the Serbs.

12.   The Croatian offensive followed violent clashes over the weekend on the section of the main Zagreb-to-Belgrade highway, which crosses the enclave.

13.   The United Nations, Russia, Britain, and France have condemned the Croatian offensive, expressing concerns that it would lead to a widening of the war.

14.   The United States and Germany signaled clear sympathy for the Croatian offensive while Russia, Britain, and France strongly opposed it.

15.   The West has been ambivalent about the Croatian offensive.

16.   Those attacks, and the Croatian offensive in the Krajina, persuaded the Bosnian Serbs to agree to peace talks, which open this week in Ohio.

17.   U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali harshly condemned the Croatian offensive.

18.   Under a cease-fire brokered by the United Nations, Croatian Serb civilians who had been trapped in the aftermath of a Croatian offensive were allowed to leave the region.

19.   Western diplomats said the threat of a Croatian offensive against the area within the coming days persuaded the Serbs to accept a transition period to Croatian rule.

20.   Rebel Serb forces in Pakrac surrendered Thursday after a two-day Croatian offensive.

a. + offensive >>共 353
military 13.77%
major 10.12%
new 6.41%
croatian 4.80%
israeli 4.62%
serb 3.86%
russian 3.86%
latest 3.40%
diplomatic 2.61%
recent 1.76%
croatian + n. >>共 594
army 10.73%
government 9.08%
troop 4.65%
authority 4.41%
capital 4.13%
force 3.94%
official 3.17%
offensive 2.49%
soldier 1.95%
border 1.89%
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