11.   Currently, police can keep photographers behind designated lines during crisis situations.

12.   Do you frequently sense a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness when you are exposed to a crisis situation?

13.   Eventually, this process of listening, analyzing and taking action becomes automatic in a crisis situation, he said.

14.   Gore described the U.S. response to a crisis situation in Kosovo, while Bush talked about forest fires and flooding in Texas.

15.   He said such companies should prepare for crisis situations.

16.   Husid says she would feel better if airlines in America had security people on board, as long as they were well-trained and knew how to handle crisis situations.

17.   In a crisis situation, it becomes even more important.

18.   In a crisis situation . . . it can be extremely difficult to determine if children whose parents are missing are truly orphans. . . .

19.   Legislation was introduced in Congress on Tuesday to discourage American drug companies from sending donations of unwanted or inappropriate drugs during world crisis situations.

20.   Others support the actions of Demps, the board or Whipple, saying each party is striving with the best of intentions to remedy a crisis situation.

n. + situation >>共 700
security 14.35%
hostage 3.83%
win-win 2.79%
quarterback 2.53%
pressure 2.28%
crisis 1.77%
labor 1.74%
market 1.74%
refugee 1.68%
employment 1.65%
crisis + n. >>共 250
meeting 8.87%
team 6.77%
talk 5.62%
situation 5.34%
point 4.77%
proportion 2.96%
level 2.67%
mode 2.57%
committee 2.29%
atmosphere 2.19%
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