11.   The crashes sent the school buses off either side of the road and onto their sides.

12.   Firefighters were trying to extinguish the blaze the crash sent spreading through a number of homes.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
company 2.80%
official 1.67%
police 1.37%
group 1.35%
authority 1.27%
agency 1.19%
parent 1.19%
people 1.14%
country 1.12%
crash 0.11%
crash + v. >>共 210
be 30.72%
occur 17.20%
happen 5.42%
kill 3.55%
come 3.18%
take 1.99%
result 1.87%
leave 1.81%
appear 1.43%
cause 1.37%
send 0.75%
每页显示:    共 12