11.   Jones said that as he called county churches to recruit support, he was asked why he chose the courthouse lawn as the place to pray.

12.   Outside, on the sun-bright courthouse lawn, a palpable sense of relief flowed through the small crowd that had gathered to hear the verdict.

13.   See that large monument on the courthouse lawn, the one shaped like Texas with a heart where Brady belongs?

14.   Several teenage residents, concerned about recognizing the Olympics in some way, got the city to dump a big pile of snow on the courthouse lawn.

15.   Since then, Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus have started the season sharing space with winter solstice greetings on the courthouse lawn.

16.   The War Between the States and World War I sprouted statues on courthouse lawns and street intersections across the continent.

17.   Two time capsules are buried in the courthouse lawn.

18.   A federal judge on Tuesday ordered county officials to remove a monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the courthouse lawn.

19.   The civil liberties group argues in its lawsuit that displaying the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn violates the separation of church and state.

20.   When the town elders tried to disperse local teen-agers from their hangout on the shady courthouse lawn, Bennett went to a hardware store and bought two park benches.

n. + lawn >>共 75
courthouse 13.99%
croquet 7.69%
campus 4.20%
palace 4.20%
clubhouse 2.80%
grass 2.80%
water 2.80%
area 2.10%
fescue 2.10%
backyard 1.40%
courthouse + n. >>共 156
step 12.47%
lawn 5.31%
hallway 4.24%
door 3.98%
employee 2.65%
entrance 2.12%
ground 2.12%
lobby 1.86%
worker 1.86%
complex 1.59%
每页显示:    共 20