11.   When law-enforcement agents show up with a court warrant, the trustee hands over the key to unlock the message.

12.   Police generally need a court warrant or a reason to suspect people of a crime before detaining them for several minutes.

13.   Police generally need a court warrant or a reason to suspect someone of a crime before detaining them for several minutes.

14.   But there is no mention of a disputed plan to allow federal police to investigate individuals and carry out searches without a court warrant.

15.   It also gives police sweeping powers to search and arrest suspected militants without a court warrant, he said.

16.   Many of the arrests were made without court warrants and, critics say, without reason to fill quotas.

17.   Often, arrests were made without court warrants.

18.   Often, the sweeps were carried out and arrests made without court warrants.

19.   Prosecutors said they planned to request a court warrant to arrest Kim as early as Thursday.

20.   The body approved a bill that requires security officials to get court warrants before tapping phones or intercepting mail or other communications.

n. + warrant >>共 118
arrest 81.96%
extradition 1.74%
murder 1.42%
court 1.19%
witness 1.10%
development 0.69%
call 0.69%
misdemeanor 0.55%
traffic 0.55%
condition 0.55%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
warrant 0.15%
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