11.   Commercial truck crashes bring not only property damage, injury and loss of life, but the possibility of multimillion-dollar court judgments.

12.   Contending that Ms. Moye-Clark did not properly clear her actions with its national office, the NAACP is refusing to pay any court judgments she may face.

13.   Critics say the biggest legal hurdles to winning any court judgments are the passage of time and the fact that direct victims of slavery are long dead.

14.   Federal judges have often found state court judgments woefully sloppy though masked in neutral language the new proposals would insulate from review.

15.   Final denouements like court judgment, bankruptcy and death were noted in red.

16.   He also said he found an array of federal tax liens and court judgments issued against Cornell in several states.

17.   In an effort to avoid court judgments that could run into the billions of dollars, the state is trying to reach out-of-court settlements with various Indian nations.

18.   In its investigation, the agency said it discovered that Marks failed to satisfy two former customers who obtained separate court judgments against him.

19.   In time, he was able to wield the court judgment to force the Swiss bank to open its books.

20.   Intermedics will appeal, but is still waiting for a detailed court judgment, Sulzer Chief Executive Fritz Fahrni said.

n. + judgment >>共 95
court 27.86%
news 7.86%
default 7.50%
business 6.43%
multimillion-dollar 3.21%
policy 2.50%
damage 2.14%
money 1.79%
malpractice 1.43%
reserve 1.43%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
judgment 0.45%
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