11.   Gay couples married under Massachusetts law could sue more strongly for recognition in states that do not recognize civil unions, he said.

12.   He said the couple married five years ago and moved back to the Baltimore area, where Peacock grew up.

13.   If the couple marries, they added, Sandoval, who is a citizen, could apply for legal residency for Ordonez and the children.

14.   If the couple had married and then Ali had left the country and applied for a visa, it probably would have been granted, said his lawyer.

15.   In any case, it is impossible for gay couples to marry legally and unlikely that the governor would support legal marriage for gays.

16.   In July, the couple married and began searching and saving for a home.

17.   In the next year, the couple married and adopted Charles Graves, the son of a former boyfriend.

18.   Judge Kaye particularly noted the importance of the decision for homosexual parents, pointing out that heterosexual couples could always marry to ensure a child had two parents.

19.   Ms. Rauch said the happiest moments of her life are when couples who met at B.J. marry.

20.   One lawyer whom Judy approached said that while the case seemed impossible to win because the couple had married, it was hard to turn her down.

n. + marry >>共 227
couple 13.13%
woman 6.57%
mother 5.67%
daughter 5.22%
man 5.07%
priest 3.58%
people 3.28%
two 2.84%
son 2.39%
child 1.79%
couple + v. >>共 1012
be 13.88%
have 9.18%
say 2.86%
live 2.28%
go 1.75%
meet 1.69%
plan 1.47%
move 1.46%
take 1.42%
decide 1.12%
marry 1.05%
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