11.   Counter suits would depend on US companies which initiate actions under the legislation having assets in Europe.

12.   The regulation also provides for counter suits in Europe against any American companies which make use of the provisions of Helms-Burton.

13.   The lawyers vowed to file a counter suit, saying the law is in violation of the constitution.

a. + suit >>共 938
civil 9.08%
dark 7.30%
blue 3.64%
black 3.37%
gray 3.05%
similar 2.64%
antitrust 2.43%
new 2.31%
tailored 1.72%
three-piece 1.63%
counter 0.19%
counter + n. >>共 165
top 16.46%
attack 10.60%
measure 3.96%
offer 3.64%
space 3.48%
demonstration 2.69%
proposal 2.53%
bid 2.37%
offensive 2.37%
claim 2.22%
suit 2.06%
每页显示:    共 13