11.   Clean these places with a cotton swab dipped in mineral spirits.

12.   Dr. Sykes sent out letters to a random sample of his male namesakes, asking them to send him cells brushed from the inside cheek on a cotton swab.

13.   For example, he used cotton swabs to show how the brain reorganizes itself after an arm is amputated.

14.   Get a cotton swab and moisten it with alcohol.

15.   I have dozens of ways to avoid writing, but cleaning giltwork with cotton swabs will never be one of them.

16.   If the infestation is not too severe, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and scrub the mealies off.

17.   Moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and clean the gunk around the rollers the ball rests on.

18.   No sperm was found on the cotton swabs that were collected during an examination of the victim after the assault.

19.   Or you can remove them one at a time, on an otherwise boring evening, with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

20.   Pipe cleaners and cotton swabs are useful for coating cracks and hard-to-reach surfaces with adhesive.

n. + swab >>共 12
cotton 68.49%
alcohol 8.22%
throat 8.22%
saliva 4.11%
anthrax 1.37%
cloth 1.37%
culture 1.37%
mouth 1.37%
nose 1.37%
nurse 1.37%
cotton + n. >>共 358
field 5.27%
shirt 5.27%
crop 3.69%
dress 3.43%
swab 3.29%
farmer 3.16%
ball 2.83%
price 2.77%
mill 1.98%
industry 1.71%
每页显示:    共 50