11.   Corruption has plagued Thai politics.

12.   Corruption plagues nearly every sector of Russian life, and President Vladimir Putin has pledged to root it out.

13.   Corruption has plagued the reform effort, though few people are willing to discuss the issue for fear of angering government officials with whom they want to do business.

14.   Georgia is one of the poorest of the former Soviet republics and has been plagued by corruption.

15.   He has pledged to reform Bulgaria, a poor country plagued by corruption.

16.   Honduran police have long been plagued by corruption.

17.   In recent remarks to parliament, Almazov conceded that the tax police department was plagued by corruption.

18.   Murdiono said Indonesia could not have recorded steady economic growth if it was plagued by growing corruption.

19.   The Russian armed forces have been plagued by corruption, and a number of high-ranking military officers have been charged with using their positions for personal gain.

20.   Violence, corruption plague Mexican border city of Tijuana.

n. + plague >>共 296
injury 10.69%
problem 9.78%
violence 3.63%
delay 2.42%
scandal 2.22%
corruption 2.02%
weather 1.71%
allegation 1.51%
crime 1.31%
kidnapping 1.21%
corruption + v. >>共 185
be 46.50%
become 3.96%
exist 2.23%
remain 2.13%
plague 2.03%
continue 1.83%
undermine 1.73%
taint 1.73%
run 1.52%
flourish 1.42%
每页显示:    共 20