11.   Peel and core the apples, and cut them into slices.

12.   Peel, halve and core apples.

v. + apple >>共 168
eat 6.07%
add 5.06%
pick 4.25%
compare 2.83%
slice 2.83%
peel 2.83%
have 2.83%
core 2.43%
sell 2.02%
grow 2.02%
core + n. >>共 24
apple 27.27%
tomato 11.36%
radicchio 9.09%
cabbage 4.55%
pear 4.55%
business 2.27%
cauliflower 2.27%
competency 2.27%
concern 2.27%
constituency 2.27%
每页显示:    共 12