11.   It is still possible to see it happening in line with the spirit of the convergence criteria.

12.   Italian Premier Romano Prodi dismissed suggestions that Italy would ask Spain to push for a deadline extension or a loosening the convergence criteria.

13.   Member states intending to join the euro have to meet stringent convergence criteria on inflation, interest rates and budget deficits.

14.   The convergence criteria are most important.

15.   Under that treaty, counties signing up for the single currency must fulfill economic convergence criteria on inflation, interest rates, currency stability, public debt and deficits.

16.   George also said it was essential that the convergence criteria for monetary union be met fully.

17.   German Bundesbank chief Hans Tietmeyer insisted that the convergence criteria for a single European currency must be strictly respected if it is to succeed, in comments released Thursday.

18.   He also pressed for countries adopting a single European currency to sign a Maastricht sub agreement introducing penalties for any country which breached the so-called convergence criteria.

19.   He underlined the political nature of the process and in consequence the acceptance of a degree of flexibility in applying the convergence criteria.

20.   He said the Maastricht convergence criteria were to ensure that only healthy economies joined the single currency club.

n. + criterion >>共 154
convergence 11.71%
selection 11.53%
eligibility 10.99%
admission 4.68%
entry 4.32%
membership 4.32%
currency 3.24%
performance 2.88%
deficit 2.34%
safety 1.80%
convergence + n. >>共 36
criterion 57.52%
target 4.42%
condition 2.65%
industry 2.65%
plan 2.65%
device 1.77%
requirement 1.77%
trade 1.77%
charge 0.88%
con 0.88%
每页显示:    共 65