11.   Many people moved from remote areas to cities, practicing free sex, and health workers used contaminated needles.

12.   More than one-third of all new AIDS cases in the nation are caused by contaminated needles or sex with drug users.

13.   Most women with AIDS became infected by injecting drugs with contaminated needles.

14.   Others got it from sharing contaminated needles.

15.   Primitive hospitals, where contaminated needles and instruments may be used on scores of patients, often amplify an initial outbreak.

16.   Supporters argue that it takes contaminated needles off the streets, which helps to reduce the transmission of AIDS and other diseases.

17.   The disease is most often spread through sexual contact, sharing contaminated needles and infected blood products.

18.   The virus is spread mainly by contaminated needles and other exposure to infected blood.

19.   These cases were caused, she said, by injections with contaminated needles.

20.   They complain of injured backs after lifting heavy patients and of risky accidents with contaminated needles.

a. + needle >>共 198
clean 7.80%
dirty 7.63%
contaminated 6.41%
used 4.68%
fine 3.47%
shared 2.43%
long 2.43%
sewing 2.08%
infected 2.08%
intravenous 1.91%
contaminated + n. >>共 285
water 14.61%
food 7.04%
blood 5.16%
meat 3.89%
soil 3.49%
site 3.22%
area 2.75%
needle 2.48%
land 2.35%
beef 2.35%
每页显示:    共 37