11.   A constitutional revision creating the second house, which was approved in a November referendum, also banned political parties based on religion and language.

12.   But with all public polls showing absolute support for punishment for the two ex-generals, the proposed constitutional revision is expected to be adopted without much difficulty.

13.   Critics claim, however, that a change in term limits would remove an important protection and open the gate for a flood of other constitutional revisions.

14.   Constitutional revisions created an upper house, one-third of whose members are appointed by the president, and forbid using religion or language for political ends.

15.   Despite the immense popular support Koizumi enjoys for his economic reform pledges, there appears to be no strong public backing for constitutional revision.

16.   French lawmakers early Wednesday adopted a proposed Constitutional revision affirming the principle of equal access for women to public or elected posts.

17.   Government chief Mario Frick blamed the discussion over the constitutional revision for the loss.

18.   In a television interview Monday night, Lien said he would probably step down in July after constitutional revisions are completed.

19.   Kim Jong-pil has consistently called for a constitutional revision that would abolish the presidency in favor of a Cabinet system led by a prime minister.

20.   Many Japanese believe the North Korean threat is exaggerated, and a constitutional revision would require a nationwide referendum.

a. + revision >>共 199
downward 13.31%
upward 11.15%
proposed 6.14%
major 5.69%
constitutional 4.32%
further 3.30%
possible 2.05%
final 1.82%
first 1.82%
drastic 1.82%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
revision 0.47%
每页显示:    共 38