11.   Like the Christian Israelites, I will retire to consider my verdict.

12.   And she objects to neither the vesting of sentencing authority in the judge nor the requirement that the advisory verdict be considered in the process.

13.   At the present rate of attrition, not enough panelists would remain to consider a verdict.

14.   Before deliberations begin, Zobel said he will instruct the jury that it can consider a verdict only on first- and second-degree murder.

15.   Consider this verdict and tell yourself that, in this country, the life of the individual person is still the most precious commodity.

16.   There was a small silence in the room as the speech ended and the bookstore audience sat back in their chairs considering their verdict.

17.   But defense lawyers insisted that they could not consider separate verdicts since they were representing the nurses together.

18.   Judges likely will take weeks to consider their verdicts.

19.   Judges likely will then take weeks to consider their verdicts.

20.   Last April, with the jury considering verdicts, an eight-week trial was halted by the judge because of a newspaper article deemed prejudicial to the case.

v. + verdict >>共 247
appeal 11.61%
reach 11.08%
read 8.49%
announce 6.98%
expect 6.84%
deliver 4.71%
overturn 3.75%
issue 3.26%
return 3.17%
hear 2.41%
consider 1.60%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
verdict 0.37%
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