11.   Both companies have been fighting a continual war for market share.

12.   A lawyer for Semiconductor Spares said the company would fight the charges.

13.   After three-quarters of its workers were laid off, the company fought its way back to profitability and became a leader in automatic teller machines and high-end computers.

14.   Airline companies fought hard in the past against tighter airport security measures, including a requirement that airport security personnel undergo a thorough criminal background check.

15.   Brenda Ruland, manager of communications for American Eurocopter, said the company will fight the suit.

16.   But an Atlanta Life attorney said the company would fight the lawsuit.

17.   But cruise companies have fought aspects of the law, sometimes calculating sick pay on base salary only and cutting off sick pay at the end of a voyage.

18.   But analysts agreed that the company would fight hard to protect cyclosporine, its most profitable drug.

19.   But even as unions have gained a powerful new tool to reach workers, companies are fighting to keep corporate e-mail systems off limits.

20.   But the company must fight for attention in a sector crowded with well-known adversaries and must win users without spending too much money.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
fight 0.12%
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