11.   Local communities are helping smooth the transition, experts said.

12.   Mohamed said his organization hopes the community will help them with donations of food, money, computers and other equipment needed to help stock their training center.

13.   Powell will outline how the entertainment community can help improve the lives of youngsters.

14.   Rabbi Robert Kravitz, executive director of the American Jewish Committee for Arizona, says the Jewish community will help with Souper Bowl.

15.   The community has helped by opening its arms.

16.   The international community must help the parties take the steps to carry out the settlement.

17.   The panel, in its annual report released Tuesday, called on the international community to help Afghanistan halt drug trafficking.

18.   The problem was to figure out which villagers were the ones who joined the guerrillas, and the close-knit community did not help.

19.   The university found him a place to live, and the community helped pay his medical bills.

20.   The world community could help achieve similar accountings in other countries if the International Criminal Court were up and running.

n. + help >>共 1529
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community + v. >>共 816
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