11.   The commission conducted a national sampling of youngsters and used previous surveys by the Department of Health and Human Services and others.

12.   The commission conducted a study and concluded that the cumulative effect of bear hunting would have a negative impact on the bear population.

13.   The commission conducted a survey of commercial Web sites this year and found few provide any privacy notices.

14.   The commission then conducts hearings on those choices before settling upon a final list of closings.

15.   The commission will conduct a price study to determine permanent prices.

16.   The state prison commission conducted an investigation.

17.   Botha says the commission is conducting a witch-hunt against Afrikaners, the Dutch-descended white settlers who dominated apartheid-era governments.

18.   He predicts that foreign companies will have better luck when the commission conducts its subsequent investigation.

19.   It wanted the commission to conduct investigations behind closed doors.

20.   Officials from the Swiss Cartel Commission said the commission would conduct preliminary investigations into the market impact of the merger but said further action was not possible.

n. + conduct >>共 656
police 5.18%
company 4.44%
government 3.19%
official 3.10%
authority 2.79%
troop 2.51%
agency 2.42%
researcher 2.21%
force 2.15%
team 1.78%
commission 0.89%
commission + v. >>共 810
say 10.82%
be 7.94%
have 4.60%
recommend 2.60%
find 2.14%
investigate 2.02%
decide 1.70%
meet 1.33%
make 1.24%
approve 1.15%
conduct 0.32%
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