11.   Rest of tonight...Variable clouds east and partly cloudy west.

12.   San Juan and North Sections of Puerto Rico Remainder of today ... Mostly cloudy east and partly cloudy west.

13.   This afternoon...Mostly sunny east...Partly cloudy west with a slight chance of an early afternoon shower.

14.   Tonight ... Mostly cloudy west in evening ... Otherwise variable clouds.

15.   Variably cloudy west.

a. + west >>共 139
farther 19.57%
far 10.14%
croat-held 6.52%
further 5.98%
south 2.90%
croat-controlled 2.90%
cloudy 2.72%
jewish 2.54%
moving 1.99%
fair 1.99%
cloudy + n. >>共 112
sky 60.56%
morning 8.20%
afternoon 5.38%
day 4.86%
weather 2.95%
condition 2.36%
evening 1.71%
east 1.05%
west 0.98%
elsewhere 0.66%
每页显示:    共 15